==================== FAQ For Haters, March 11, 2019 [Edited:July 29, 2019] ====================== Some people don't like this site -Is this site not modern enough for you? I don't care, its not your site. I'm making this site how i want it to be not how everybody else is doing it in 2019, and i'm not making it the way you want. ... -You need to make a site that the public will want to visit. The public doesn't want a site like this. No i don't and look at other neocities pages. There are plenty of other cool websites on neocities that have designs like mine. Seems like 95% of the net is porn, 4% are junk, and 1% are actually worth something. I'll stick with the 1%. ... -You need design a better site so you can get advertisers and bla bla bla *No i don't. I didn't make this site to make money off of it. The only Ads I put up are for stuff I want to put up. I either support the product, think its funny, or its some vintage ad I thought was cool. I have no interest in making money off this site. ... -YOU DON'T LIKE MY SITE? THEN DON'T VISIT IT. SIMPLE GOOD BYE